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Rise with the Wise: An AEMMP Records Panel

A talent agent with 30 years in the music industry will join a prolific music producer and a reality show producer to discuss what it takes to succeed in the film and music industries in the second installment of AEMMP Records' “Transition From Student to Professional” virtual panel discussion series on Thursday, Oct. 29th at 5 p.m. central time. The series can be accessed directly at

Featuring: John Gabrysiak, a 30+ year veteran of the music industry and a talent agent for Monterey International who has worked with some of the most influential names in the blues and rock genres including Rock and Roll Hall of Fame artists: Buddy Guy, Levon Helm and Cheap Trick; Columbia Alum, Zach Huber, who has worked on a variety of reality shows, interviews, and professional film shoots; and Space Ca$h aka Rylan Friedhof, a music producer who has self released multiple self titled projects and produced for a variety of Chicagoland artists. Also a Columbia alum, he once released a song every day for 60 days.